Monday 27 December 2010

Top 10 video game series of the 21st Century

Here is my list of the top 10 video games of the 21st Century. Games from 1999 and below have not been added! So no whinging!!!


Thursday 26 August 2010

Best 'Free' Warhammer Online Leveling Guide

Many people have asked what the best levling guide is for World of Warcraft and i always say the same answer. I don't say guides you have to pay. This guide as completely free and will give as much information that you need as say Zygor's Leveling Guide and is completely free. It comes as addon form or a webpage guide. The guide i am talking about is James' Leveling Guide. I have used this addon to level 2 character to level 80 in under 8 days gameplay time. Don't be scammed and pay loads of money for a guide when you can get exactly the same free!

Link -

Wednesday 25 August 2010

How To Make You’re uTorrent Download Speeds Faster. ( 1MB/s +)

Have you ever been downloading a torrent and it has been so slow you just can be bothered with it and you remove the torrent and give up?

Well I’ve got the answers for. In these easy to follow steps I will show you how to boost you’re download speed by at least 1MB/s.

All of the numbers bellow are based on a 256k connection.

Go into you uTorrent and go to Preferences

Go to the connection tab in prefrences and make sure you are using a random port

Then go to the Bandwidth tab and change the Global Maximum number of connections to 130; the Maximum number of connected peers per torrent to 70 and the number of upload slots per torrrent to 3.

Then go to the BitTorrent tab and Enable the outgoing Protocol Encryption.

The go down to Queueing and set the Maximum number of active torrents to 2 and the Maximum number of active downloads to 1.

Then go to Advanced and set the Value of net.max_half open to 50 and then click set.

I hope this helped. Enjoy Faster Dowload Speeds On uTorrent!
Best Programs To Record You’re PC Games With

If you’re like me and you like to make tutorials for you tube, film game footage or just like the idea of recording game on pc screen you’re going to want to have the best program available right? Well I’ve made up a list of some of the Top Game recorders out there.

Gaming Recorders

1. Fraps - Fraps is regarded as the best game recorder out there. With its easy to use interface and high quality recording it is defiantly something you should look at getting if you’re into gaming and want to make some gameplay videos. Fraps lets you select keys for the functions play and pause. So you do not have to keep exiting you’re game when you want tot start recording. It also has a handy little FPS counter that you can put in any corner of the screen or remove completely. Fraps does have one drawback though. For instance, a 5 minute long video can sometimes take up as much as 500mb on your pc. So that’s not really what you want when you’re recording up to 30 minutes of gameplay. But the pros certainly to outweigh the cons which makes fraps definitely worth buying.
Cost - $37 for the full version. There is also a free trial version available which only lets you record 30 seconds of gameplay.
 Why you should buy - $37 is very cheap for software like this and it’s the best of its kind out there.
Website -

2. Xfire - Xfire is much like fraps exept instead of leaving you video files in a huge size files in compresses them into smaller files so that they don’t take up as much room on you’re pc. You can also create a free Xfire profile and upload your videos to there so that other uses can see your videos. The downside to Xfire is that you will need a better pc to run it with and the video quality is not as good as fraps.

Cost - Free!
Website -

3. Play Claw - PlayClaw is a relatively new game recorder out there which boasts high quality, no lag and easy to use interface. And it sure doesn’t lie. If you have a multi-core pc will will hardly notice any lag when recoring.Video files can be saved in an number of different outputs. It also has some really nice looking overlays like performace, ventrillo and video recording statistics. You can also adjust the video frame rate and file sizes to you’re liking.

Cost - $35.64 inc VAT
Website  -                                                                 

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

The best game of 2009?  A gaming masterpiece?

Lets just take a look see shall we....

Story: The Call of Duty franchise has always been well praised for it's intense single player campaigns. Well you won't be disappointed with this one, that's for sure. You play as a few different characters throughout the game in locations ranging from the Favelas of Brazil to the snowy mountains of Kazakhstan. There is one mission in the game that you have the option to skip if you want to. This is because of the graphic nature of it. I personally think they should have put that mission in as a cut scene or something because it is still a very vital part of the story but pointless to play.
         The campaign is certainly full of action, explosions and thrills. But what may surprise you is that the campaign is relativity short, taking only about 5 hours to complete and about an hour and a bit on top of that for veteran difficulty. This can make the player feel a bit confined.

Gameplay:   The controls in the game are not really any different from the other Call of Duty games like World at War or Call of Duty 4 and even if you're new to the Call of Duty franchise they won't take long to get used to.
Special Ops Mission
            There are two more gameplay modes besides single player. The first of the two is Special Ops. This is a whole new mode Infinity Ward has added. Special Ops consists of 23 unique missions, set in the same locations as the campaign, which you must complete to gain Stars to unlock other missions and achievements. All of the missions can be played on you're own or with a friend and some of them require you to have two people in order to complete them. 
            The other mode is the one we all know and love, yes it's the legendary Call of Duty multiplayer. If they had sold the game just as multiplayer, i think they would have made just as much money from the huge release just because the multiplayer is such a big part of the game. In multiplayer you start of at level 1 and must play matches in order to level up. Matches are games like capture the flag, team deathmatch or free for all. As you rank up you will unlock challenges, attachments and camouflague for weapons, titles and emblems to customise your callsign and more. Infinity Ward have also added customisable killstreaks. These let you choose between unlock rewards such as harriers, stealth bomber, AC-130 gunship or even a tactical nuke which ends the game and gives you all the kills. The nuke is obtained by getting a 25 killstreak. Infinity Ward has also removed some of the perks from the first modernwarfare game and put them in as 'death streaks'. So if you die 4 times in a row, the next time you die you may get extra health or maybe drop a live grenade. Infinity Ward definitely have pulled it all off on the gameplay factor.
            However there are some problems with the online multiplayer. In the PC version it has become relatively easy for a player to hack into the game and cheat, using Aimbots or Wallhacks.
MW2 Wallhack
This makes the player on the recieveing end of hacker really annoyed and i think players may have moved to other games with securer servers for this very reason. Also, Infinity Ward said that they had fixed the bad respawning system, but in my eyes i don't think they have. I have sometimes just spawn and an enemy player is right next to me an kills me before i was even able to move. But don't let these factors keep you from buying the game, you may never even meet a hacker in you Modern Warfare 2 experience. 

Graphics:   The Graphics in the game are certainly an improvement from the first Modern Warfare. Characters have more details along explosions and gunfire. You will never get bored of the visual elements of the game because each map and each multiplayer map has different textures and scenery.

Sound: With music from Hans Zimmer it will certainly stick in you're head. I even find myself humming along to the multiplayer lobby music from time to time. Along with every gun sounding different the gunfire and explosion sounds are truly a masterpiece.

Final Verdict:      8.5/10 - A great game, Amazing Graphical design and intense gameplay. However the lack of secure servers and short campaign are what let it down for me.

Thanks for Reading

Monday 23 August 2010

Get Involved in the Game Reviews!

Please email me if you want me to review a piece of software, game, or component or leave feedback.

Warhammer Online on Xbox and PS3 - WTF!

Ok, so ive just been searching through IGN and have seen that it is rumored that Warhammer: Online: Age of Reckoning is coming to xbox and ps3. It's probably because there not getting enought subscribers on PC but still, if they link up the PC servers to the console servers we're gona get a buch of whiney little S**ts wandering around complaining!

I think i can see people buying this on the ps3 since you don't have to pay a subscription each year. But if they really expect Xbox live users to pay another £8.99 a month on top of a £34.99 a year subscription mythic have another thing coming.

In my opinion, MMO's should never be brought out on consoles, i don't really know why i think this but i just think that it's stupid.

Please Discuss!

Mad Catz Modern Warfare 2 Sniping Mouse Review

Mad Catz Modern Warfare 2 Sniping Mouse Review

I got this mouse after i got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on my new PC. My old mouse kept on jumping about and was really uncomfortable. But after getting this its has improved my comfort whilst playing games while also looking really cool.

Features: This mouse does not have as many features as, lets say a £50 mouse, but those 2 buttons on the side are all you really need. You also get software with the mouse which lets you set each of the buttons to a command, say crouch or jump. It also comes with an adjustable DPI scroller just above the mouse wheel. This allows you to set the game and mouse sensitivity to you're liking so you can be in control when playing you're games instead of having to worry about moving the mouse too much. It also comes with a mode button which means you can have two uses for each button, just a simple click of the mode button and you can change between each of the buttons commands. It also has LED lights in which make it look great if you're playing in the dark. It also has weights which you can take out of the bottom to suit your gameplay, but i have not needed to remove any so far.

During Gameplay: When playing games with this mouse it is very comfortable because it has grooves along the side and in the top button which you're hand fit nicely into. The DPI adjuster also makes it easier to line up sniper shots so you can always get that beautiful headshot you wanted.

Lining Up a Headshot!

Getting the Headshot!


 Final Verdict -  8/10     High quality mouse for great value, now only £11 on                

Warhammer Online

Warhammer: Online: Age of Reckoning 

So i've been playing this game for about a month now, and i can honestly say that this game is a work of art.

I had played WoW before this game for about 2 years. I saw this game and thought i would give it a try.


Story:  Like most mmo's the story is not really the main part of the game. However, if you are into the Warhammer lore and play the table top game the story will be very appealing.

Gameplay:  If you've ever played World of Warcraft or a similar MMO you will have no  problem getting to grips with the game mechanics. You start of by selecting from the two given factions. Destruction (The Bad Guys) and Order (The Good Guys). Then you get the choice of 9 different classes from 3 different races. There are 4 types of class, Offensive DPS (Damage Per Second), Defensive DPS, Tank and Healer. 
Character Creation in Warhammer Online

Taking a keep in RvR
The amazing thing about this game is that there is so much to do. One such thing is RvR (Realm vs Realm), which is all about forming up into huge groups and going to defend or siege keeps; or taking objectives on the battlefield. This form of gameplay can be very fun and exiting when playing with friends.        

Capturing a flag during a scenario
 The next type of gameplay is PvP (Player vs Player) or Scenarios. These are 'instanced' battles where players will fight over Flags and Areas so they can acquire points. It is usually the first side to reach 500 points wins. Scenario objectives may be to capture a flag or hold an area.

Now we move onto the PvE (Player vs Environment) aspects of the game. There are Public Quests which are ongoing events situated all over the entire world. They are usually multi-stage tasks which will require a group of people to complete. The great thing about them is that if you are walking by and feel that you need some extra xp or a piece of better gear, you can just go over to the public quest and complete the tasks. At the end of each PQ ( Public Quest) theres is a loot chest. Each player rolls for a number and whoever gets the highest number will get the best reward. If you contributed a lot to the PQ stages you will have a better chance of getting a better roll.
Rolling for PQ loot

Another aspect of PvE are Instances, or dungeons, which players must clear the enemies out of to receive rare gear at the end of each one. These can only be completed with a group, so be prepared to wait for people to group with you because dungeons are one of the least popular ways to play.                                                                                  

  This is where the game really shines. Instead of a quest telling you to kill a certain amount of creatures for example, and then you feel completely lost and have know idea where to go, You're Map will tell you where these creatures are located and then once you have done all of the requirements for the quest it will show you where you have to hand it in.  Another great invention Mythic Entertainment have come up with is The Tome of Knowledge, this will allow you to access quest, achievement, pvp, rvr etc. info all at the touch of a button. Its great for keeping things organised.         

The Tome of Knowledge

Graphics:  The Graphics in Warhammer: Online don't push any boundaries but they are still great to look at.  The best graphics in the game are most definatly the spell graphics, these bright and colourful swirls and bangs are some of the best i've seen in any MMO.

Overall Verdict    9/10 - Its easy to use interface and just sheer enjoyment facter make this game a must buy!        

To Download the free trail for the game click here

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