Tuesday 24 August 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

The best game of 2009?  A gaming masterpiece?

Lets just take a look see shall we....

Story: The Call of Duty franchise has always been well praised for it's intense single player campaigns. Well you won't be disappointed with this one, that's for sure. You play as a few different characters throughout the game in locations ranging from the Favelas of Brazil to the snowy mountains of Kazakhstan. There is one mission in the game that you have the option to skip if you want to. This is because of the graphic nature of it. I personally think they should have put that mission in as a cut scene or something because it is still a very vital part of the story but pointless to play.
         The campaign is certainly full of action, explosions and thrills. But what may surprise you is that the campaign is relativity short, taking only about 5 hours to complete and about an hour and a bit on top of that for veteran difficulty. This can make the player feel a bit confined.

Gameplay:   The controls in the game are not really any different from the other Call of Duty games like World at War or Call of Duty 4 and even if you're new to the Call of Duty franchise they won't take long to get used to.
Special Ops Mission
            There are two more gameplay modes besides single player. The first of the two is Special Ops. This is a whole new mode Infinity Ward has added. Special Ops consists of 23 unique missions, set in the same locations as the campaign, which you must complete to gain Stars to unlock other missions and achievements. All of the missions can be played on you're own or with a friend and some of them require you to have two people in order to complete them. 
            The other mode is the one we all know and love, yes it's the legendary Call of Duty multiplayer. If they had sold the game just as multiplayer, i think they would have made just as much money from the huge release just because the multiplayer is such a big part of the game. In multiplayer you start of at level 1 and must play matches in order to level up. Matches are games like capture the flag, team deathmatch or free for all. As you rank up you will unlock challenges, attachments and camouflague for weapons, titles and emblems to customise your callsign and more. Infinity Ward have also added customisable killstreaks. These let you choose between unlock rewards such as harriers, stealth bomber, AC-130 gunship or even a tactical nuke which ends the game and gives you all the kills. The nuke is obtained by getting a 25 killstreak. Infinity Ward has also removed some of the perks from the first modernwarfare game and put them in as 'death streaks'. So if you die 4 times in a row, the next time you die you may get extra health or maybe drop a live grenade. Infinity Ward definitely have pulled it all off on the gameplay factor.
            However there are some problems with the online multiplayer. In the PC version it has become relatively easy for a player to hack into the game and cheat, using Aimbots or Wallhacks.
MW2 Wallhack
This makes the player on the recieveing end of hacker really annoyed and i think players may have moved to other games with securer servers for this very reason. Also, Infinity Ward said that they had fixed the bad respawning system, but in my eyes i don't think they have. I have sometimes just spawn and an enemy player is right next to me an kills me before i was even able to move. But don't let these factors keep you from buying the game, you may never even meet a hacker in you Modern Warfare 2 experience. 

Graphics:   The Graphics in the game are certainly an improvement from the first Modern Warfare. Characters have more details along explosions and gunfire. You will never get bored of the visual elements of the game because each map and each multiplayer map has different textures and scenery.

Sound: With music from Hans Zimmer it will certainly stick in you're head. I even find myself humming along to the multiplayer lobby music from time to time. Along with every gun sounding different the gunfire and explosion sounds are truly a masterpiece.

Final Verdict:      8.5/10 - A great game, Amazing Graphical design and intense gameplay. However the lack of secure servers and short campaign are what let it down for me.

Thanks for Reading

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