Monday 23 August 2010

Warhammer Online

Warhammer: Online: Age of Reckoning 

So i've been playing this game for about a month now, and i can honestly say that this game is a work of art.

I had played WoW before this game for about 2 years. I saw this game and thought i would give it a try.


Story:  Like most mmo's the story is not really the main part of the game. However, if you are into the Warhammer lore and play the table top game the story will be very appealing.

Gameplay:  If you've ever played World of Warcraft or a similar MMO you will have no  problem getting to grips with the game mechanics. You start of by selecting from the two given factions. Destruction (The Bad Guys) and Order (The Good Guys). Then you get the choice of 9 different classes from 3 different races. There are 4 types of class, Offensive DPS (Damage Per Second), Defensive DPS, Tank and Healer. 
Character Creation in Warhammer Online

Taking a keep in RvR
The amazing thing about this game is that there is so much to do. One such thing is RvR (Realm vs Realm), which is all about forming up into huge groups and going to defend or siege keeps; or taking objectives on the battlefield. This form of gameplay can be very fun and exiting when playing with friends.        

Capturing a flag during a scenario
 The next type of gameplay is PvP (Player vs Player) or Scenarios. These are 'instanced' battles where players will fight over Flags and Areas so they can acquire points. It is usually the first side to reach 500 points wins. Scenario objectives may be to capture a flag or hold an area.

Now we move onto the PvE (Player vs Environment) aspects of the game. There are Public Quests which are ongoing events situated all over the entire world. They are usually multi-stage tasks which will require a group of people to complete. The great thing about them is that if you are walking by and feel that you need some extra xp or a piece of better gear, you can just go over to the public quest and complete the tasks. At the end of each PQ ( Public Quest) theres is a loot chest. Each player rolls for a number and whoever gets the highest number will get the best reward. If you contributed a lot to the PQ stages you will have a better chance of getting a better roll.
Rolling for PQ loot

Another aspect of PvE are Instances, or dungeons, which players must clear the enemies out of to receive rare gear at the end of each one. These can only be completed with a group, so be prepared to wait for people to group with you because dungeons are one of the least popular ways to play.                                                                                  

  This is where the game really shines. Instead of a quest telling you to kill a certain amount of creatures for example, and then you feel completely lost and have know idea where to go, You're Map will tell you where these creatures are located and then once you have done all of the requirements for the quest it will show you where you have to hand it in.  Another great invention Mythic Entertainment have come up with is The Tome of Knowledge, this will allow you to access quest, achievement, pvp, rvr etc. info all at the touch of a button. Its great for keeping things organised.         

The Tome of Knowledge

Graphics:  The Graphics in Warhammer: Online don't push any boundaries but they are still great to look at.  The best graphics in the game are most definatly the spell graphics, these bright and colourful swirls and bangs are some of the best i've seen in any MMO.

Overall Verdict    9/10 - Its easy to use interface and just sheer enjoyment facter make this game a must buy!        

To Download the free trail for the game click here

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